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Company Presentation

The adventure, which began in 2009 as the founding partner of Opportunity Hour, is an adventure that includes the company". After a year and a half of experiences such as e-commerce management, campaign management, social media management and internet advertising, he decided to establish the Web Design Agency. Progela Advertising Agency started to operate on August 17, 2011 as agency web sites, logo design, corporate identity designs, catalog designs, such as both design and printing stages began to carry out.

He has been a social media manager since 2009.

Persuading people to engage in a particular course of action, directing them to a particular thought, trying to draw their attention to a product, to service, ideas and organizations, providing information about it, changing their views and attitudes about it, or created to enable them to adopt a particular view or attitude; communication tools and studies.

Our company; It is capable of guiding the work needed in product, company, professional promotion and all advertising services.

We're like, "I'  We design the designs of all visual media tools required for people, companies, institutions, organizations themselves or their products to reflect you and your company on national and international platforms and add added value to certain standards.

In short, we are preparing designs that will make a corporate difference for you and your company.

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